Ambulift SideBull in action

Ambulift - In action all over the world

Nürnberg, Germany

Paris, France 

Sofia, Bulgaria

Berlin Schönefeld, Germany

Prague, Czech Republic

Lisbon, Portugal

Varna, Bulgaria

Barcelona, Spain

Chicago, Illinois

Vienna, Austria

Keflavik, Iceland

Stansted, United Kingdom

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The patented SideBull Ambulift or PRM Highloader from Bulmor was co-developed with Lufthansa Leos in 2002 and is one of the most used ambulift vehicles for the boarding of passengers with reduced mobility (PRM) at European airports.

-70% faster docking procedure

-Functional one-man operation

-Embarking from ground level

-Wind stability up to 100km/h

-Robust and time proven sideloader technology