FrontBull: the compact ambulift for regional airports
Airports all around the world are looking for accessible solutions to improve the experience of their passengers -including Passengers with Reduced Mobility (PRM)-. In order to provide you with a complete range of Ambulifts, Bulmor designed the FrontBull, a smart, compact and electric vehicle. While its size makes it perfectly suitable for smaller or regional airports, the FrontBull still shows all outstanding features that made our SideBull the most efficient vehicle in the industry.
Compact: Sometimes size matters a lot!
At your airport, space is a very limited resource. Whether we are considering the parking area, the driving road or the aircraft stand, ways are tight and one can’t afford to waste any bit. The Frontbull has the smallest dimensions in the industry and an astonishing maneuverability with only 4,5m turning radius.

Incorporating SideBull’s outstanding features: Don’t change what’s already perfect.
Safety always comes first:
Our vehicles are equipped with state-of-the-art safety features to insure the highest level of safety for your staff, passengers, GSE and aircrafts. Here are just some examples of what we offer with our ambulifts:
- The latest Aircraft fuselage prevention and protection systems,
- Bulmor docking assistant system,
- A joystick/sensor controlled swiveling front platform for the integrity off all your aircraft including the carbon-fiber-made fuselage.
Docks to Aircraft in 25 seconds:
Thanks to the use of our extremely robust sideloader chassis, stabilisers aren’t required. The passenger cabin can be lifted while approaching the aircraft, making the docking process very smooth and simple. Stabilisers’ extension & retraction and vehicle’s repositioning are unnecessary steps that we erased thanks to our technology.
Suitable for all commercial aircraft: Because ONE excellent solution is all you need.
Unlike conventional scissor lift vehicles, our ambulifts can dock onto all wide-body aircrafts as well as all most common short-range aircrafts, even those with low door-sill-heights. On the top of that our vehicles are compatible with buses, minivans and belt loader.

Functional one-man-operation:
The driver’s stand is integrated into the FrontBull’s passenger cabin - there is no separation between the driver and the Passengers. Therefore the driver doesn’t need to switch between cabins using additional stairs or doors. This approach increases safety, efficiency and comfort.
Embarking from ground level:
The passenger cabin of the FrontBull can be lowered completely to ground level in front of the chassis. It speeds up the entire boarding procedure and provides a whole new level of safety and comfort.
Electric: Eco-friendly and cost efficient vehicle
At Bulmor, we are driven by our core values and by your expectations. In addition to a first-class quality, safety, efficiency and flexibility, the impact on the environment is becoming a first concern. That’s why the FrontBull is an electrically powered vehicle and that’s also the reason why, we have decided to offer an electric version of our SideBull and SideBull XXL. With zero emission and zero fuel cost these electric versions already arouse a strong interest and enthusiasm. To find out more about our Electric SideBull click here.